Denver Area Radon
N.R.P.P. Certified & State Licensed
Radon Mitigation Provider
Active Soil Depressurization Systems
Most systems within the boundaries of I-70 to the north, Castle Pines Pky. to the south, Kipling to the west and E-470 to the east (excluding Parker) can be installed for less than $1,200.00.
Each home is unique so each system is designed specifically for the home in which it is installed.
The most sure way to guarantee that radon levels are to be reduced to acceptable levels, is to address entry routes AND implement a fan driven, active soil depressurization system. Though a phased approach is an option, Denver Area Radon strongly encourages attacking the issue of radon on both fronts. Time and time again, if only one element is confronted, follow-up test results come in high, and a return trip must be scheduled to finish the job, unnecessarily dragging the process out over weeks.
A full system installation involves:
- Sealing crawl spaces (if present) with a gas impermeable liner as per E.P.A. guideline.
- Sealing any accessible soil gas entry routes in the slab (IE exposed expansion joints, cracked control joints, plumbing penetrations etc.) with caulking compound.
- Sealing the sump pit (if present) with a lid and window as per E.P.A. guideline.
- Installing a fan system that will create an area of negative pressure under the structure.
When designing a system D.A.R.'s first priority is performance.
Some residences present the potential for a number of options concerning system configuration and location. In these cases Denver Area Radon is always happy to address aesthetic concerns and pros and cons with the agents involved, or directly with the home owners, or buyers.